Comparing Breeds: Pug vs. Frenchie

In the face-off between a Pug vs. Frenchie, we all tend to think they have the same face.

Both Pugs and French Bulldogs are flat-faced and short-snouted, which is why we always seem to confuse them.

In everyone’s defense, they do look a lot alike. They’re both also incredible family friends, and it’s hard to think how you could go wrong with either choice anyway.

But Pugs and French Bulldogs, like any two dogs that are confused with each other, still have their fair share of differences.

Even though they both share a lot of their cuteness and also some health problems, each breed has its unique downsides that may compel you to pick one over the other.

Read on to find out what makes Pugs and French Bulldogs so similar but so different!


Both the Pug and Frenchie are small-sized pet pals that are perfect if you live in an apartment.

The French Bulldog is heavier with a stockier and more muscular build. They weigh around 8–15kg and stand up to 30–33cm high.

Pugs, on the other hand, have a rounder body. They’re smaller than French Bulldogs, weighing approximately 6–8kg, and are 25–35cm tall.


Both breeds have flat faces, short snouts, and small nostrils – meaning they are brachycephalic dogs.

This puts them at risk of health and breathing problems and makes them more prone to respiratory issues.

One stark difference between Pugs and French Bulldogs is their ears. You might have noticed Pug ears are floppy and less pronounced. If you’ve ever touched one, they’re quite velvety and soft too!

On the other hand, Frenchies are known for their big bat ears, which stand tall and upright.

To build on that, they both have loose, wrinkly skin.

But a Pug’s coat is thicker and coarser and can only come in all-black or fawn. The French Bulldog’s, on the other hand, is shorter, finer, and smoother and comes in a variety of shapes and colors.


The average lifespan of a Pug is 12–15 years, while a Frenchie would live to a bit over 10 years old.


Good news! The Pug and the French Bulldog both have short coats, which means it’s less of a hassle for you to groom them.

But Pugs shed significantly more than Frenchies do, so make sure you’re prepared for that.

In addition, another important thing to make note of is how wrinkly both these breeds are.

So, obviously, you’ll need to brush them regularly to get rid of dead hair. But you’ll also need to clean their wrinkles daily to ensure dirt or bacteria doesn’t accumulate between the folds and cause infection.

Exercising Needs

More good news! Whether you go for a Pug or a French Bulldog, you will not need to intensely exercise either dog.

Of course, some exercise is important to maintain their health and weight.

But in general, both breeds are prone to overheat, and too much exercise probably isn’t too good for them because of their breathing problems.


A Frenchie would have a more relaxed, laid-back attitude than a Pug.

They’re very friendly and affectionate breeds towards both their families and strangers.

If you go for either, you’ll find no problems with these dogs being sociable to your friends who they’re meeting for the first time or even other dogs! Granted they’re well-socialized, of course.

But speaking of socializing, both breeds can be a bit stubborn and difficult to train.

So if you’re getting either, be prepared to be patient.


As we’ve said, Pugs and French Bulldogs can be stubborn which can make it difficult for you to train them.

But with proper motivation and positive reinforcement, they’re both very intelligent breeds that are capable of learning many commands!


We can’t imagine these breeds being anything but crowd-pleasers.

They both have pros and cons, even though they’re more alike than they are different, but we hope we’ve cleared out any differences that will help you decide which is the better choice for you.

Unfortunately, there is a cost of cuteness when it comes to Pugs and French Bulldogs. We suggest you tread carefully with the choice of either because of how prone they are to health and respiratory issues.

But hopefully, if you’re prepared with medication and attention, in most cases everything can be manageable.

You can also read this comparison between English vs. French Bulldogs.