The Best Foods for Your Dog

The very basics of doggy care start with good dog nutrition. Aiming for the best food for your dog helps reap Fido’s health benefits, and they’ll love you for it!

There’s a lot for you to consider when it comes to what your pup should be eating, like their breed, size, and health condition. But how do you know what best to feed them?

As much as we’d love to give you a one-off answer, let’s be realistic: there’s no one-size-fits-all dog food that would be best for every dog. If you’re asking yourself what the best dog food for your dog is, let us help you understand what goes into that decision.

Understanding Your Dog’s Nutritional Needs

One common misconception is that most of your dog’s nutritional needs lie in their protein intake, much like what a stereotypical raw dog diet looks like. A nutritionally balanced homemade diet for your dog should instead take into account your pooch’s breed, weight, age, activity, and overall physiology.

While there is no one correct formula, a good recommendation by vets typically consists of 40% protein, 50% vegetables, and 10% starch; each possibly varying to your dog’s needs.

To make sure your dog is getting his fair share of nutrients, make sure you provide a right balance of nutrients in the correct portion size. Consult your veterinary nutritionist about any specific nutritional needs you think your dog might have.

The good news is if your options are between kibble and canned, you can always ensure your dog gets its right balance of nutrients because you know exactly what these foods’ nutritional makeup is. But it’s a little trickier when it comes to a raw diet! Let’s get to which might be a better option for you and your dog…

1. Dry Food (Kibble)

Kibble is usually the most convenient when it comes to dog food options.


  • More affordable
  • Long shelf-life
  • Easily stored
  • Less messy
  • Chewing friction good for teeth and gums’ health


  • Source of protein is sometimes not meat
  • Often contains more carbs and less fat and protein
  • Could contain preservatives, flavorings, or colorings

2. Wet food

Even though opinions about the added water element and whether or not it is better for your dog contest, wet food has been growing in popularity. If you’re a dog owner that feeds your dog wet food, you might notice that it promotes a shinier coat, stronger teeth, and fewer digestive problems for your furry friend.


  • Better, more natural ingredients than dry i.e. raw muscle, organ meat, bones, raw eggs, etc
  • Less processed than dry
  • Better for dogs with urinary tract problems
  • Flavorful


  • Could contain sugar (that keeps it from drying out)
  • Less cost-effective
  • For big dogs, big amounts of canned food may be hard to store

3. Raw diet

The rebuttal around the safety of feeding your dog raw food is never-ending. A raw diet for dogs mainly consists of raw bones, meat, and other organic compounds.


  • Better for dog’s bones and muscles
  • Homemade; easy to keep track of what dog eats
  • Healthier stool
  • Higher energy levels


  • Risk of contamination of meat and potentially dangerous bacteria
  • More expensive and time consuming
  • Raw bones could cause choking hazard or trouble digesting


We hope this article has helped you get an idea of the different options you have when it comes to dog food and which option could be better for your pup.

But no matter how much research you’ve done, remember to always include an expert or vet’s opinion in the process of choosing what to feed your pooch. It is so important knowing whether what goes into their bodies is right for them!